This past week I picked up a book that I've had on my bookshelf called the Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian. If you haven't read it, ladies, you really need to add this to your collection. With alot of the transitions that Steve and I have been going through these past few months and as we step into a new year, I truly felt that I needed to spend more time praying for him and our marriage. I guess I didn't realize how having children would take up so much time and energy that sometimes I really don't feel like I have anything of me left to share with my DH. I was talking with a friend the other day about all that Steve does to be the sole provider for our home. He allows me to stay home with the boys and to focus on raising our children that hopefully will make a difference in their lives. It hit me like a ton of bricks that he really needs me to undergird him with prayer and support especially during times that are so transitional. I will admit there are many days when I feel like I can't pray for him because of a disagreement or because I just have a zillion other things on my mind or on my "things to do list that just never seems to get any shorter list". But God continues to show me that as his soulmate I can make a huge difference in his life if I just keep him lifted in prayer. As Stormie said it so well: “I can think of no better way to truly love your husband than by lifting him up in prayer on a consistent basis. It is a priceless gift that helps him experience God’s blessings and grace.”
If you feel you’re able, try this little experiment and see what happens. Pray for your husband every day for a month using each one of the 30 areas of prayer Stormie has included in this book. Pray a chapter a day. Ask God to pour out His blessings on him and fill you both with His love. See if your heart doesn’t soften toward him. Notice if his attitude toward you doesn’t change as well. Observe whether your relationship isn’t running more smoothly.
Yesterday Roman returned back to Wycliffe's MDO program. He usually goes Mondays and Wednesday from 8am till about 12:45pm. It has been so nice having him home during the holiday season so I kinda didn't even know what to do with my morning. But after an hour of missing him, I quickly realized, hey, I've got a zillion things I could be doing to get my week, month, year started. Anyways, I did have a mommy moment of missing my little Ro Ro. But, one thing that we were able to do while he was on vacation was visit the Trains at North Park Mall. This was our first time to go so we had a memorable time especially watching Roman as he was in awe! Trains at North Park Mall on New Year's Day!
Daddy and Roman looking at one of the trains going by!
Checking out the trains....Roman so badly wanted to pick them up!
They even have a rendition of the Dallas skyline which was so neat!
More trains...
If you live in the Dallas area or you are visiting you must stop by to check them out. The Trains at NorthPark hit the tracks every year to raise money for the children and families of the Ronald McDonald House of Dallas, a home-away-from-home for families who have traveled to Dallas with their children for treatment in local hospitals. Because of the popularity of the Exhibit, it now provides approximately 1/2 of the annual operating budget for the Ronald McDonald House of Dallas. Oh, and Ethan had a great time too!!!
I can't believe 2008 is here! I am so looking forward to starting this new year with a fresh outlook in so many areas of my life. As I reflect on 2007, I had made so many new year's resolutions and realized that I didn't keep any. I started off great but didn't finish off too strong. The bible teaches us that the number 8 represents new beginnings. So this year I am going to tag as a year of "new beginnings". Here are a few goals I hope to achieve or maintain this year. I am not calling them "new year's resolutions" just because I never seem to keep them. In the book of Habakkuk 2:2 "...write down the vision, and engrave it so plainly upon tablets that everyone who passes may [be able to] read [it easily and quickly ] as he hasten's by. I've listed two goals here as a starting point for me.
1. To read the entire Bible this year. Last year, Pastor Gary (my Pastor at High Point Church) challenged us to read the bible in a year. Well that didn't happen so this year I am making this a top priority. What's so nice is that my DH gave me a new bible for Christmas called "The One Year Bible for Women". It is so nice and truly is a quick read when you've got to tend to two little ones under the age of 2. My goal is to draw closer to God and seek His wisdom in every decision of my life.
2. To be a better wife to Steve and mom to Roman and Ethan. 2007 was definitely a year of many changes and transitions. Having a new baby, Steve starting a new business venture with Villager Book Publishing, implementing a budget/finance program through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University (thanks to our friends Jim and Tina), etc. etc. etc. I realized that I probably didn't handle all these changes too well and didn't feel like I was there for my hubby especially during his transition from MADD to Villager. Well, I hope to make this a better year for my family and to focus on creating a more peaceful environment in our home by pursuing God more consistently. I also want to be a good steward over our finances. If you haven't read or heard of Dave Ramsey; I'm telling you this will be an eye opener. It was for us and we are so excited to be on track for Financial Peace. We are now 90 days in and seeing a HUGE difference. This goal will also include health and wellness for our family as well as ensuring we are doing everything we can to maintain the temple that God has blessed us with. Bottom line is that we as a family need to excercise more and spend more time doing things that keep us active.
Anyways, our pastor has commissioned us to fast for 21 days starting this coming Sunday, January 6. I am looking forward to this time because I know that God is going to reveal so much more to me.
Happy New Year to you and yours. I hope that this year will also be a time of 'new beginnings' for you and your family.
Click on this link for a video that I felt was so appropriate for me this year! I hope it will bless you!